Baby Angela at 12 Weeks

Answer me this: is there a cuter baby girl out there than this one? The dark hair, the liquid eyes, the alternately stoic and smiley face … I think she’s definitely the cutest!

Angela’s mother and I worked together for a number of years. It was so nice to see her and reconnect, especially with such an exciting addition to her life in the form of a precious little baby! This new family is thriving. You can actually SEE the love:

Angela likes people. Her mother reports that Angela gets fussy during the day when she’s home with only one or two people around, but when a new face shows up or the family goes out, Angela perks right up and charms the world! I was duly charmed. Angela is a perfectly behaved three-month-old: no tears, no screams, only one diaper change. Not that I mind those things at all, but I was quite impressed with Angela’s easygoing, happy demeanor. She was curious, laughed, smiled, and just chilled, like, basically, the best baby ever.

I know babies are little humans (obviously), but it’s also super-fun to dress them up like dolls. Come on, you know it’s true! Angela has a gorgeous wardrobe and we took full advantage of it! Stripes, flowers, a furry vest, and nothing but a diaper, she rocked them all!

What a sweetheart. And, because I can’t help myself and wanted to share a hundred photos of this gorgeous little girl, a slideshow! Enjoy:


Filed under Babies, Kids

6 responses to “Baby Angela at 12 Weeks

  1. Indeed, the cutest Baby-girl ever! Very photogenic and social…..I wish Monika and Nick a life filled with health, happiness and laughter, as they given the wisdom from our Lord to raise their little Angela in HIS footsteps. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photographs. Good Job!…Marilly A

  2. lizzy

    My cousins on both sides make BEAUTIFUL BABIES!!! This is so precious and extremely touching! Wonderful job Julie!!! Thea Lizzy

  3. Maryanne Anthopoulos

    She really is an angel. We love her! These photos are absolutely gorgeous – great job.

  4. Rania Virvilis

    My goodness, she is so precious! God Bless! Monica and Niko you two make such wonderful, loving parents. Enjoy her, give her kisses from me. Someday I will meet her. love and kisses, Thea Rania

  5. This baby is absolutely scrumptious. LOVE the fur coat!

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