Daily Archives: June 15, 2011

Mother’s Day/Father’s Day: Max & Colby at the Arnold Arboretum

Last fall I photographed our friends’ adorable children, Max and Colby. For Mother’s Day this year, I did so again, in the fantastic spring setting of the Arnold Arboretum. And, just in time for Father’s Day, I’m finally posting them!

Is there anything better than a spring afternoon in the park with smiley faces like these?

Colby is now about seven months old, and such a happy fellow. He’s so strong and mobile and loves his big brother Max! They are the sweetest pair.

Max is three, and he is interested in everything, but especially rugby and maps. Oh, he loves maps! We could barely get him to leave the park when it was time to go because he found a guide to the Arboretum by the side of the path, and all he wanted to do was look at it!

I love this family! They are the nicest people, the nicest kids, and so much fun to spend an afternoon with. Thanks, guys, for letting me share Mother’s Day with you!

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Filed under Babies, Boston, Kids, Nature, Portraits