Tag Archives: strange

Ralph’s Diner – Creative Project

Happy new year! I’ve been spending some time going over the last year’s work, and I stumbled upon one of my favorite creative shoots that I never blogged, so before I recap my winter break shenanigans (coming soon, I promise – many a photoshoot was had in California!), I thought I’d share this one. Now, still life is out of the norm for my business (though there is a lot of it in wedding photography, actually), but I absolutely loved this project; it allowed me to be so creative and really follow my eye. Fun!

A filmmaker at my school, Lindsey Warren of Warren Farm Films, invited me and other photographers to assist her in a project. The only parameters: shoot buttons with the crew’s names on them in various locations of our choice at Ralph’s Rock Diner in Worcester, the site of the film. These stills were going to be used as the credits in her movie.

I was in! Ralph’s is such a crazy place; the decor is everything wild and neon and mashed together.  I loved it there and really got to run with the project. Here are some of my favorite shots:

I mean, how could you NOT take awesome pictures in this place? It was a wonderful collaboration across disciplines that our school enabled and encouraged, and I was really lucky to be a part of it.

Take a look at Lindsey’s finished product, and see what made it into the credits!

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Filed under Boston, Music, Still Life