Tag Archives: caffe vivaldi

Rae Sterling Sings at Caffe Vivaldi, New York City

My very talented singer sister, Rae Sterling, recently celebrated her birthday (25!) in New York City. She’s about to move back home to L.A., and with a performance scheduled on her actual birthday, I knew I had to go down and see her! Of course, she rocked it.

Surprisingly, I’d never seen Rachael perform live in a venue outside of our own house, a school concert, or YouTube! Shameful, I know, but Boston is just far enough from NYC that I hadn’t been able to catch her live … until now!

Her voice is so beautiful, so powerful – I was blown away. SO blown away!

Caffe Vivaldi was a fun, intimate venue for a little concert. They have a great vintage atmosphere, and a convenient location in the West Village right near the subway. I love me some public transportation! And old-fashioned framed photographs.

Rae is very excited about both her guitar and her ukulele, as you can see! Plus, she wears awesome, vibrant clothes at all times. My sister is amazing.

Yay, pink! Pink goes well with a fabulous voice and evocative, original songs performed by Rae Sterling. Yes, it does.

Because it was Rachael’s birthday, the lovely staff at Caffe Vivaldi brought out some cake! She shared, because she’s nice like that, and I can attest to its utter deliciousness.

Happy birthday, my dear sister! You were fabulous and I am so so so happy I got to visit and enjoy your performance before you go west, young woman. I love you!

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Filed under Event, Music, New York, Personal, Portraits